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Witches Circle of Protection – How Do You Cast It?

The Witches Circle of Protection marks the perimeter of your sacred space where you will perform your candle magic. The circle acts as a portal to the realm of the deities, as a protection from evil forces. It is mostly a psychological tool to put you in the right mind.

Can't keep negative energy away? Create a Witches Circle of Protection! Learn how to cast it in just a few simple steps. Click To Tweet

Circle of Protection as a container for your personal energy

Grimoire Coloring Pages, Printable Witchcraft Starter Kit, Book of Shadows Journal, Healing Herbs & Magic Rituals, Baby Witch Pack
Grimoire Coloring Pages, Printable Witchcraft Starter Kit, Book of Shadows Journal, Healing Herbs & Magic Rituals, Baby Witch Pack

1. Find a safe place to cast your circle. It can be indoors or outdoors, at midnight or early morning. The best place is somewhere you’ll feel comforted and at ease. You can commune however you prefer for whatever ritual or ceremony you hope to perform. So be it if that’s your bedroom, basement, or garage. Ensure the place is private and free for as long as you need the ceremony. Being interrupted in the middle of a ritual is a frustrating and even dangerous experience.

2. Purify the place where you will cast your circle. First, purify your location physically by tidying up the spot and making things orderly. If you’re outdoors, clear the area of branches, leaves, and rocks. Next, cleanse the area spiritually. Meditating, use your hands (or a wand or broom) and push negative energy from the spot.
You could also try using a cleansing agent like witch hazel to cleanse the area – a couple of drops in each corner of the room and around the perimeter of the circle should be sufficient.

3. Physically determine the bounds of your circle if you want. Please do this by drawing a circle on the floor, sprinkling salt water in a circle, or laying a cord in a circle (make sure you tie it). You may use masking tape on the floor to mark out a circle with a diameter of about seven feet. You might mark a white circle on a sheet of material, making a useful portable circle of protection.
Alternatively, if you’re outdoors, consider using the elements of nature to create your circle.

Feeling lost and uncertain? Establish a Witches Circle of Protection today and say goodbye to fear and chaos! Click To Tweet

4. Place all the objects you will use in your ritual inside the circle.
Ensure you will not be disturbed: Besides being uncomfortable, it can harm your psychic health. You can open the circle and close the circle at your will. Just say something like, ‘I open this circle’, step out, then say, ‘I close this circle,’ and go on with what you want to do with your circle. Do not dismiss the circle, for all the energy you raise will be lost.

Witch Candle Color Meaning, Wiccan Candles Journal Printable Pages, Witchcraft Starter Kit
Witch Candle Color Meaning, Wiccan Candles Journal Printable Pages, Witchcraft Starter Kit

5. If you’re offering something to a spirit, remember to include that and everything you’ll need to prepare it.
Other favourite ritual items include totems, black candles, crystals, knives, bells, small bowls of salt, and water. Organize them, whatever they are, to form an altar. Bring a surface to set them on, like a box or crate with a small black tablecloth. The altar should face North, as should you when you’re in the circle completing your ritual.

6. Complete the circle. Place candles or other items in each cardinal direction. Do not light them yet. Some Wiccans will choose something representing Earth in the North, Air in the East, Fire in the South, and Water in the West.
Salt, stone, or a green candle could represent Earth. Incense, broken glass, or a yellow candle could stand in for Air. Blue candles or water in any receptacle is an excellent representation of Water. A red candle does nicely for Fire.

Article Witches Circle of Protection – How Do You Cast It courtesy of How to Cast a Circle Wiki How

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Worried about your future? Establish a Witches Circle of Protection to guide you out of dark times. Click To Tweet