Candle magic is one of the easiest and most uncomplicated to apply. The core of your actions is lighting a candle and formulating a wish following candle color meanings with magical correspondences every day of the week. That simplicity didn’t undermine its effectiveness and advantages compared with other forms of magic.
Wiccan candle magic spells
Light up your life with a bit of magic! Get to know the color meanings & magical correspondences of candles by day.Click To TweetAll four elements are invariably included in candle magic. The real candle represents the element of Earth. Regarding contact with Fire, the candle melts, creating liquid (Water) and smoke (Air).

- The ceremonies are simple but highly effective
- The simple ceremony works, as well as the elaborate ones
- The tools are remarkably cheap or could be easily handmade
- You can start immediately and experience fast results
- The rites can be implemented indoors or outdoors
- Candle Magic has a variety of rituals for almost any occasion.
When you burn the candles with a clear goal, they become powerful tools, enabling you to perform real magic. From the person making the request, the energy and focus on the desired results are sent out and manifested into the Universe.
As the candle burns, it links the practitioner’s mind making the application and the Universal Mind. The candle is a tangible item, transmuting into the spirits the intent as it burns and performs incredibly powerful magic.
Candle burning is quite intricate. Certain days are best for certain candle prayers, and certain times within the lunar cycle are best for certain types of affirmations. Different energies are attracted or repelled depending on the candle’s colour. Here are some of the best times to burn your candles to attract what you want.
Days of the Week Candle Color Meanings
Sunday: Unlock the secrets of the magical energies of the week. A day for renewal and spiritual insights.Click To Tweet
Sunday is the Sun’s day
It’s an excellent day for:
– the banishment of negative energies
– attracting healing energies
Suitable are: Banishing and Healing Candles
Monday is the Moon’s day
It’s an excellent day for:
– intentions involving communication.
– legal settlement
Suitable are: Legal Aid and Fresh Start Candles
Tuesday is Mars’s day
It’s an excellent day for:
– overcoming physical challenges
– succeeding with personal struggles
Suitable are: Mental Power and Success Candles
Wednesday is Mercury’s day
It’s an excellent day for:
-business transactions
– study, exams, travel, divination, and wisdom
Suitable are: Happiness and Magnet Candles

Thursday is Jupiter’s day
It’s an excellent day for:
– attracting luck and expansion
– bringing material success, money, wealth, and prosperity
Suitable are: Money and Lucky Candles
Friday is Venus’s day.
It’s an excellent day for:
– affirmations regarding your love life.
– relationship or partnership development
Suitable are: Passion and Love Candles
Saturday is Saturn’s day.
It’s an excellent day for:
– a major change in your life.
-finding lost items or locating a missing person
Suitable are: Spirit Summons and Success Candles